Saturday, June 30, 2018

Mengenal burung kakatua

Mengenal burung kakatua

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Kakatua duduk di daun pohon.

Kakatua (suku Cacatuidae) adalah jenis burung hias yang memiliki bulu yang indah dengan lengkingan suara yang cukup nyaring. Spesies ini termasuk salah satu burung dengan kecerdasan yang cukup bagus, sehingga sering digunakan untuk acara-acara hiburan di kebun binatang atau tempat hiburan lainnya.
Kata kakatua tertanggal berasal dari abad ke-17 dan merupakan derivasi kata dari nama Indonesiauntuk burung ini, "Kakatuwah" (yang berarti "wakil" atau "pegangan"; dari paruhnya yang kuat) atau dari panggilan kakatua putih itu sendiri, melalui istilah Belanda kaketoe; kata cock mungkin mempengaruhi kata kaketoe. Terdapat varian kata kakatua pada abad ke-17 termasuk cacato, cockatoon, crockadore, cokato, cocatore, dan cocatoo digunakan pada abad ke-18.[3][4] Asal kata ini juga digunakan untuk familia dan nama generik Cacatuidae dan Cacatua masing-masing.[5]
Jenis Kakatua-kecil Jambul-kuning (bahasa Inggris: Yellow-crested Cockatoo) biasanya hidup berpasangan atau berkelompok dalam jumlah kecil. Sangat mencolok ketika terbang, dengan kepakan sayap yang cepat dan kuat diselingi gerakan melayang serta saling meneriaki. Bila sedang bersuara dari tempat bertengger, jambul ditegakkan lalu diturunkan. Jenis ini tertekan dengan ledakan populasi yang mengejutkan selama 10-15 tahun terakhir, akibat penangkapan yang berlebihan untuk perdagangan burung dalam sangkar, dan sekarang langka akibat kegiatan ini.
Spesies ini hidup pada ketinggian 0-1520 meter dari permukaan laut, biasanya berkelompok. Kakatua pada umumnya berusia panjang, hingga mencapai 60 tahun bahkan lebih.
Kakatua menghuni hutan primer dan sekunder yang tinggi dan tepi hutan; juga hutan monsun (Nusa Tenggara), hutan yang tinggi bersemak, semak yang pohonnya jarang dan lahan budidaya yang pohonnya jarang. Dari permukaan laut sampai ketinggian 900 m (Sulawesi), 1520 m (Lombok), 1000 m (Sumbawa), 700 m (Flores), 950+ m (Sumba) dan 500+ m (Timor). sedangkan untuk jenis Kakatua Maluku (bahasa Inggris: Salmon-crested Cockatoo) biasanya hidup sendiri, berpasangan dan kelompok kecil; dahulu di pohon tidur berkelompok hingga 16 ekor. Umumnya tidak mencolok, kecuali pada saat terbang ke dan dari lokasi pohon tidur ketika petang dan menjelang fajar. Walaupun terlihat terbang di atas kanopi tetapi kebanyakan terbang di bawah batas kanopi. Mencari makan dengan tenang di kanopi dan lapisan tengah kanopi dan memiliki sebaran lokal di daerah SeramAmbonHaruku dan Saparua. Kakatua menghuni hutan primer dan sekunder yang tinggi, hutan yang rusak dan hidup di atas permukaan laut sampai ketinggian 1000 m.
Di Indonesia, burung kakatua dijadikan nama lagu anak-anak. Kakatua juga dapat dijadikan peliharaan Kakatua dikenal sebagai burung yang setia dan bila pemiliknya terancam kakatua akan melindungi pemiliknya. beberapa manusia sering memelihara Kakatua sejak masih kecil untuk diajari berbicara penelitian menunjukan bila terlatih sejak kecil Kakatua akan dapat berpikir seperti manusia

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

about the city of sumedang

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North Sumedang is a subdistrict in Sumedang District, West Java Province, Indonesia. is a sub-district in Sumedang District, as well as being the Central Government of the District. This subdistrict is located in the middle of Sumedang City, and is the largest subdistrict of Sumedang in Sumedang before Sumedang Selatan District by population. In addition, Sumedang District is also a District with the second Education, Expenditure & Government Center in Sumedang City after Jatinangor. Subdistrict which is the originator or pengerajin know center is another term for the city Sumedang is in this district, because in ancient times this district first appeared the company of Tahu Sumedang craftsman named Tahu Bungkeng founded by ong kino. In addition, the city of Bandung is also known as a shopping city, with malls and factory outlets are widely spread in this district, and now gradually North Sumedang Subdistrict is also a delman or kretek tourist district located on Jalan Sebelas April next taman telur.Saat This sub-district is one of the main destinations of Spending and Education.

South Sumedang is a subdistrict in Sumedang District, West Java Province, Indonesia. Sub Sumedang Selatan, is where most of the government offices of Kab Sumedang, starting from the Government Building, DPRD, and other office buildings. In Sub Sumedang south there are many areas of Tourism, ranging from culinary tourism to nature tourism. There are also historical places during the Dutch and Japanese occupations, including the Key Mountain Fortress, Palasari Fort at the top of Mount Palasari, as well as the former tangsi which is now KODIM 0610 Sumedang.

Jatinangor is a subdistrict in Sumedang District, West Java Province, Indonesia.

Blacksmith at Dessa Tjikeroeh, regentschap Loemedong, the 1940s was making a typical Cikeruh weapon. Rubber, quinine, tea, and other weaponry besides Tjikeroeh's distinctive identity as a distinctive commodity in his day. The last two items, especially with colophon of the colonial century, became the target of collectors. (photo by Wijnand Kerkhoff, Nationaal Archief / Collectie Spaarnestad).

Cikuda railway line, Rancaekek-Tanjungsari in 1937 while still in operation. The Dutch East Indies colonial transport route to facilitate the transfer of natural resources after the harvest period to be exported to the destination country of the Dutch government. (photo by Wijnand Kerkhoff).

Beusi, Ci Caringin, Ci Leles, and Ci Keuyeup. Geomorphology of the Jatinangor region includes three geomorphological units, namely: Geomorphology unit of volcanic plains, in the south. Geomorphological unit of gentle slopes of hills, in the north. Geomorphological units of steep volcanic hills, in the east. Geology Jatinangor region consists of three units of rock (Silitonga, 1972), namely: Unit of young volcano. Quaternary, dominated by volcaniclastic rock, scattered in the northern and central regions of Jatinangor. This unit is well exposed in the Ci Keruh stream. The young volcano lava unit. Quaternary, dominated by lava, is the main rock forming Mount Geulis. Unit of lake sediments. Quaternary, dominated by sedimentary rock which is the remaining sediments of Lake Bandung, spread in the southwestern region of Jatinangor. Hydrogeology of Jatinangor region includes three aquifer regions, namely: A moderately productive aquifer, an aquifer with flow through inter grain spaces, in the south. A moderately productive aquifer, an aquifer with flow through the gap and inter grain spaces, in the north. Groundwater is rare or insignificant, in the form of apertured aquifers or nests with small productivity or rare groundwater areas, to the east.

The plantation company in Jatinangor was founded by Willem Abraham Baud in 1844. The company, named Maatschappij tot Exploitatie der Baud-Landen, holds 962 hectares of land stretching from IPDN land, ITB land, and UNPAD land to Mount Manglayang. In the early days this plantation only covered the tea plantation business, but later also the rubber plantation business. Willem Abraham Baud (1816-1879) was one of the children of Jean Chrétien Baud (1789-1959) who served as Governor General of the East Indies of Netherlands (1833-1836), Colonial Minister (1840-1848), and Minister of Marine Affairs (1840-1842) . In 1842, W. A. ​​Baud went to Java at his father's wish to pursue a career as a government employee in the colony. But then he realizes that managing a plantation business will make him richer than being a government employee. W. A. ​​Baud then managed to get a contract for tea plantation in Jatinangor area in Priangan. The contract was approved by the government of the governorate of Batavia in the number 2 decree of August 26, 1844 which includes, among others, interest-free loans from the government of 42,409 Guilders.

Jan Jacob Rochussen, who was Prime Minister of the Netherlands (1858-1860), East Netherlands East Indies Governor (1845 - 1851), and Minister of Finance (1840 - 1843) reported this incident to Jean Chrétien Baud in a letter by writing: " a favorable contract because he is the son of a highly respected official. "As a servant of the state and a royal servant, JC Baud was deeply disappointed by his child's actions and replied to JJ Rochussen's letter by writing:" Contract system and percentage ... extinguishes the respect of employees government and deify Mamon (God of Wealth). Is there any better evidence of this other than my son's attitude? "

Currently Jatinangor is known as one of the educational areas in West Java. This imaging is a direct impact of campus construction of several university institutions in this subdistrict. The colleges that currently have campuses in Jatinangor are:

University of Padjadjaran (UNPAD) in Hegarmanah and Cikeruh Villages.
Institute of Internal Administration (IPDN) in Cibeusi Village. Previously this institute was named Sekolah Tinggi Pemerintahan Dalam Negeri (STPDN).
Institut Manajemen Koperasi Indonesia (IKOPIN) in Cibeusi Village.
Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) in Sayang Village. Previously complex of ITB Campus of Jatinangor is complex of Winaya Mukti University Campus (UNWIM).
Along with the presence of these campuses, Jatinangor also experienced rapid physical and social development. As is the case with other agricultural lands in Java, many farms in Jatinangor are transformed into rental houses for students or shopping centers.

Historical object in Jatinangor in the form of clock tower in the campus of ITB (before 2011 is UNWIM campus) and Cikuda Bridge which is now better known as Ring Bridge. Clock tower by the surrounding community is often called the Tower Loji built around the 1800s. The tower initially serves as a siren that reads at certain times as a marker of the activity that takes place in the rubber plantation of W. A. ​​Baud. This neo-gothic building used to sound three times a day. First, at 05.00 as a marker to start tapping rubber; at 10.00 as a marker to collect rubber latex bowls; and last at 14.00 marks the end of rubber production activities. In the 1980s the bell tower of the Loji was stolen and the case remains unclear; both about the thief, what the motive is, and how the follow-up from the authorities. Even the Regional Government of Sumedang Regency - as the party that ought to oversee the preservation of cultural heritage - do not know about the continuation of the story of the theft. Currently Loji Tower looks not neglected. The last treatment of this tower in the form of repainting by the Household UNWIM in 2000.

The bridge in Cikuda, often called the Ring Bridge, was originally built to support the smooth operation of rubber plantations. The Ring Bridge was built by a railway company called Staat Spoorwegen Verenidge Spoorwegbedrijf in 1918 and is useful for carrying plantation yields. At the time this bridge became one of the largest rubber plantation wheel in West Java and every morning the produce of the earth from Tanjungsari brought through this bridge for sale in Rancaekek. The routine went on until later in World War II Japanese troops transported railroads to be merged into war weapons. As with the Loji Tower, none of the agencies are willing to handle the maintenance of this historic bridge. Both the Sumedang District Government and PT KAI (Kereta Api Indonesia) - two parties with considerable interest in the Ring Bridge - state that the maintenance of Ring Bridge is not included in its responsibilities. According to PT KAI, this bridge was never repaired because it is not used anymore. Meanwhile, according to the Department of Culture and Tourism of the Regional Government of Sumedang Regency, the maintenance of historic buildings is not included in the responsibilities of the service because this agency is only responsible for observing and fostering cultural values. In addition, the 4.83 km Jatinangor Highway connecting Bandung with Sumedang is a fragment of De Groote Postweg (Post Road) which was made in 1808 with orders from Herman Willem Daendels, East Netherlands East Indies Governor General.

Thus information about the city sumedang hopefully this article useful for all buddies

Monday, May 21, 2018

how to create a push Notification on this blog

When visiting a site or Blog using the Chrome Web Browser or on a computer, we often see a notification to turn on notifications, commonly called Push Notifications.

For example in Blog Click This Info, when first opened with Chrome browser or FireFox, we will see there is a small pop-up that appears to ask us to turn on the notification or not.

Push Trick This notification is widely used by bloggers to be used as a strategy to increase the number of visitors in their blog by inviting visitors to receive notification when there is new post, and can receive a short message or notification to the visitors who have turned on the notification.

Therefore, Push Notification is very important for us, and can also provide benefits for writers / bloggers and also for visitors who want to subscribe to news or the latest articles from Blog.

If you intend to install it in your blog, the way is quite easy, this time I will give some tutorial how to make or install Push Notifications in Blog for Free / Free. just see the steps - steps below.

Step - step how to make Push Notifications in Blogs Latest and Free
The first step:

For this first step we just go to

Click at the bottom left corner to create an account / sign up. you can choose to create an account using Google or Facebook and also Github or by filling out the form below.

select google or Facebook to create an account faster and without email confirmation.

Step Two

After creating your account, you will be instantly at page to create the app, click on the box with the + sign that says Add a New App to create the application.

Next, write the Name and click Create.

Third step:

After that Popup will appear to select App, Scroll down and select Web Push and click Next.

You will go to the Configuration page for Web Push Notifications, in the Choose Integration section choose Website Builder to make it easier to install for Blogger and WordPress. Next select the desired Blogger or WordPress, and in this tutorial I choose Blogger.

Step Four:

Section Blogger Site Setup fill in Blog Name and Blog URL and also Logo from your Blog.

Next section of Permission Prompt Setup click Add a Prompt this section is to select the color and size of Icon that will appear later on your blog.

Customize it to your taste, for perview it is at the bottom. When finished click Save.

Step Five:

If you want to translate the language that will appear later, select Add a Prompt again, select Customize slide text prompt to translate or enter your own Text and then click Save.

Furthermore in the Welcome Notification section, fill in Title and Massage or can be left default, see the view or perview dipotak bottom.

For the Advanced section just left default. Next Click Save at the bottom.

Step Six:

On this page you will get the Script Code. Copy Code script, and after that open your Blogger and select Theme then click Edit HTML then find Code <head> that is turned up then paste the Code Script you Copy earlier under Code <head> and then click Save / Save

Next Let's see your blog for the test whether it has been successful or not.

If not successful, try to read again what there is missing, if it is sure the settings are correct and not yet there are Notifications that appear, try to see the URL that we input in Settings was the same as the URL on your Blog or tidak.karena in last step there writings Go To Website buddy input earlier and finish.

Hopefully the article on how to create a push Notification on this blog is useful for all buddies.

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Understand The Costs (Startup, tools, materials)

In any form of business, understanding the costs of setting up the business and the costs of running it is of great importance. You need to make sure that you understand the costs of everything else. The same applies with woodworking. Some people assume that woodworking is an easy to start business, with such a mindset; you will not get the returns that you would want. You need to fully understand the costs that are involved.

One thing that will greatly determine the type and even costs of the materials is the kind of project that you want to engage in. You need to have a specific project that you know will have an easy market. With this in mind then you will be able to know the kind of tools that you need.

When it comes to tools, make sure that you only go for the best tools that are durable and at the same time will give you great service. Getting the right tools at a good price will need you to compare the prices. Different shops will come with different prices. You need to find a shop that will offer you with the best prices for the quality products. Searching online for your tools is a great idea. Due to the high competition among the online shops, you can now easily get a shop that will give you a good discount on every product that you purchase.

With woodworking, you will obviously need materials for your projects. With this in mind, you need to know the kind of material that you want. If it is the lumber, plywood and other materials like sand paper, it is important for you to list all of them down. Make sure that you compare the prices as in the case of tools. When you get the best prices then you can make your purchase. It is important that you stick with one woodwork supplier for you to get opportunities of getting a discount.

There are also some online software that will help you get a rough estimate on the startup costs and more. You need to be sure of the materials that you want. Get good plans that will aide you in knowing the right material to get. Always operate within your budget. You should know that woodworking comes with various plans and projects and thus you will find something within your limits.

Friday, May 18, 2018

Use Woodworking Plans To Build Projects Faster

Woodworking will require you to be very creative and innovative. Nonetheless, you will also need to have plans that will help you build your woodworking plans in a fast and better manner. There are many plans that you can get on the internet. Some of these plans are free and others will need you to pay some money to get access. Some plans will also offer you with tips that you can use to customize your products.

The truth is that with a good plan then you will be able to build your woodwork not just fast, but also in a better and easy way than you would have done without one. Many people especially beginner woodworkers will have a problem with the materials to buy and even the right tools to own. A good plan will have all these in focus. In fact, if you are interested in making something like a cabinet, a good plan will tell you of the right kind of materials and even the best tools to use. With these in mind, it is important that you choose your plan very carefully.

Some people just make a mistake of picking any kind of plan that they find online. As much as there are good plans online, you cannot rule out the fact that you will come across bad ones. You need to make sure that the plan you take is from a well-established and professional woodworker.

A good plan will also tell you the kind of space that you will need for your project. Some projects will need larger space than others. Read the suggestions and make up your mind. It is important for you to have a budget so that you can compare the prices to be able to know if the project is oaky for you or not.

A woodworking plan will make everything to be easy for you. For instance, a good plan will be able to show you everything from the start up process all the way to the end. As said earlier, good plan will also give you some space for customization and thus you can include your own original ideas to make the woodwork to be authentic. With good woodworking plans you will be able to complete your projects within time and thus it will increase your speed of production. If you are a beginning woodworker then you can make use of the free plans and as time goes on, you can order for more professional plans.

The Importance Of A Business Plan

If you are going out on a long journey then it is important for you to have a roadmap that will see you safely reach you destination.  With this in mind, it is important for you to also consider having a plan which is more or less like the roadmap that will get you to achieve the business goals that you set right from the start. With a good business plan, you are able to describe and identify your business goals in a clear manner. Many business plans will have the income statement, the cash flow analysis and the current balance sheet. With the plan, you are at a better chance of allocating resources more properly. Keep in mind that good business plans will carry all the information regarding your business.

There are many places where you will need to have your business plan. For instance, if you are seeking a loan from the financial institutions for business purpose, you will always need to have a business plan with you. The lender takes their time to go through the plan to see if what you are planning to do is viable and if it is, are the returns worth the loan? They will check the goals and objectives, the money needed, the location, and more. With the plan then they can comfortably give you the money if they find your plan to be a great idea. Remember that this is just an example of where you may need to use your business plan.

On a more personal note, you need to have a plan that will help you know where you are from and where you are heading. You need to time and again review the plan to be able to know what you have achieved and where you are still lagging.

Some people will review their plans quarterly while others may do so annually. It is important that you always set time to review your business. If you have a defined strategy that you have been using, you need to review it so that you can be able to tell if it is working or not. You can discard the strategies that are not working and embrace the ones that work. It is the comparisons between the milestones achieved and those not achieved that will determine if your business is on the right path or not. Know that the business plan is your foundation in business and thus you need to have the right one.

Start From Your Garage To Save On Rental Costs

With these hard economic times, finding something that you can do to see you earn that extra money is great. Woodworking is one of the most loveable arts that you can engage in. Many people love woodworking and they just take it as a hobby. Nonetheless, you have to know that there is high demand for good woodwork projects. The woodwork projects that you can get to do will vary from toys all the way to household furniture.

If you are just starting up, then you will want to cut on costs. One best way to cut on costs will require you to get a cheap workshop. A great place that will see you save on the rental costs is your own garage. Yes, you can transform your garage to be your workshop.

Having your garage as your workshop has many advantages and the one that is most obvious is that you are able to save on costs, at the same time; you are able to work from home, which reduces the pressure of having to go to your workplace each and every day.

As you work from your garage, there are certain things that you need to consider. One of the most important things is that you need to know that you will not be in a position to make more bulky wood projects for you are limited by space. Working from your garage also means that you need to use small tools that will not produce much noise that will disturb your neighbors. Know that huge power machinery usually comes with a lot of noise that will disturb other people.

There are so many things that you can get to build from your workshop. One best project that will utilize the space that you have is toy projects. Toys will not take a lot of space in your workshop. They also will not require any use of power tools. There are so many other small projects that you can do right from your garage; you just need to have the plans.

The internet is one of the best places that you can get to have the woodworking plans, source for small projects that will not take a lot of space. As a beginner, starting from your garage will give you a better chance of making profits that will allow you to get a bigger rental workshop as the business expands.
